Vol.8, No.1
Ohmori Kazumi, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Youji Nitta, Tetsushi Yoshida, Ken-ichi Kakuda, F. S. Jong:
Stomatal density of sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) with special reference to positional difference of
leaflets and leaves, and change by palm age. p2-8
角田憲一・安藤豊・吉田徹志・山本由徳・新田洋司・江原宏・後藤雄佐・ベニト H.プルワント:
サゴヤシ生育地の土壌 -窒素の挙動に関わる土壌要因-. p9-16
(Kakuda Ken-ichi, Ho Ando, Tetsushi Yoshida, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Youji Nitta, Hiroshi Ehara, Yusuke Goto,
Benito Heru Purwant: Soil characteristics in sago palm grown area; Factors associated with fate of inorganic
nitrogen in soil)
岡崎正規・セハット ジャヤ トゥア:セントラルカリマンタン・セバンガウ川流域のサゴヤシ. p17-19
(Okazaki Masanori, Sehat Jaya Tuah: Sago palm (Metroxylon sagu) along Sebangau River of
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia).
第9回講演会報告要旨 (1). p20-25
(Abstract of the 9th Annual Conference (1))