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The Role of Sago in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


Tokyo, Japan (onsite/online)

7th July 2023


Sago is a promising plant in 21 Century. It can grow in lowland soils of Southeast Asia and Melanesia and support the people in these areas. Sago biomass, including starch, bark, leaves and others, is useful for various purposes. Sago starch especially, whichis produced in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and other countries, amounts to 400 thousand tons per year and is used variously for food and processed food or floured for noodle making and others. Although the sago starch has been consumed mostly in the areas producing sago starch, Japan has been importing over 20 thousand tons of sago starch every year from Malaysia and Indonesia, previously as dusting flour and recently as excellent food material for allergy relief. 

The 1st International Sago Symposium (ISS) was held in Kuching of Malaysia in 1976. With three to four years interval, ISS has been hosted mostly by sago producing countries. Japan hosted ISS in 1985 (SAGO –’85, Protect Mankind from Hunger, and the Earth from Devastation), 2001 (SAGO 2001, New Frontiers of Sago Palm Studies) and 2015 (SAGO 2015, The Sago SupportsHuman and Planet Welfare). The proceedings of these symposiums and a book entitled “Sago Palm: Multiple Contributions to Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods” compiling invited papers were published with the support of the late Isao NAGATO, who encouraged our activities through his perspective. 

In 2023, the Society of Sago Palm Studies is pleased to host a meeting as the 14th International Sago Symposium.

We hope the strong support from you.

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The objective of symposium is to discuss about continuity of harvesting sago which maintains the aspect of conservation, social and culture in achieving the sustainable development goals.

ISS 2023 becomes a media for communication and discussion among researchers /engineers, environmentalist, sago business practitioners, and other stake-holders in order to:

・Utilize SAGO as sustainable bio-resources which maintains the aspects of conservation, social and culture

・Make SAGO as competitive and parallel commodity with other plant commodities in the view of productivity and quality

・Find a proper way and solution to convert natural SAGO forest to production forest while conserving the genetic resources inside

・Develop SAGO business considering the sustainability of sago forest


Scope of Symposium

The symposium will deal with state-of-the-art of sago study and will facilitate exchange of sago information among the participants, hereby will make sago to become a flagship crop for staple food, ingredients to prevent allergies, industrial raw material as well as for energy. The symposium will be divided into four thematic sessions:

・Biology, Agronomy and Environment

・Industry and Utilization

・Business and Economy

・Social Sciences and Anthropology


Who should attend

・Scientist, researchers, university and academics

・Private sector and business practitioner

・Government institutions, international organizations and policy makers

・Non-Government organization

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Hiroshi EHARA             (President, The Society of Sago Palm Studies; Director, International Center for Research and

                                          Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University)


Advisory Committee

Osamu KOYAMA           (President, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences)

Hironobu SHIWACHI   (President, Japanese Society of Tropical Agriculture; Executive Director, Board of Directors,

                                          Tokyo University of Agriculture)

Toshiyuki NISHIO         (President, The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience; Professor, College of Bioresource Sciences,

                                          Nihon University)

Elpidio M. AGBISIT Jr. (Executive Secretary, Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities; Dean of the College

                                          of Agriculture and Food Science, UP Los Baños)

Hiroyuki KONUMA       (Executive Director, Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia)


Executive Committee

H. M. H. BINTORO       (Professor, IPB University, Indonesia)

Hengky NOVARIANTO (Senior scientist, BRIN (Indonesia National Agency for Research and Innovation, Indonesia)

Kopli BUJANG                (Pro-Vice Chancellor, i-CATS University College, Malaysia)

Marcel A. QUEVEDO    (Former Visayas State University, Philippines)

Keith GALGAL               (National Agribusiness Advisor, FAO PNG, Papua New Guinea)

Yukio TOYODA              (Professor Emeritus, Rikkyo University, Japan)     


Steering Committee

Chair:                              Yukio TOYODA

Vice Chairs:                    Koki TOYOTA

Secretary-general:        Koki TOYOTA

General Affair:               Yoji NITTA, Masanori OKAZAKI, Yukio TOYODA

Finance:                          Kazuko HIRAO, Masaharu OHMI, Haruo TANAKA 

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief:           Hitoshi NAITO 

Senior Editors:              Tomoko KONDO, Takashi MISHIMA, Akira WATANABE

Managing Editors:        Satoshi NAKAMURA, Akira MIYAZAKI, Koki ASANO

Editors:                          Hiroshi EHARA, Ken’ichi KAKUDA, Ken’ichi NONAKA 

                                         Yuka SASAKI, Yukio TOYODA, Tomohiro UCHIYAMA 

Registration:                  Mitsuhisa BABA, Ryosuke FUJINUMA


Overseas Liaison          

Yulius B. PASOLON             (Halu Oleo University, Indonesia) 

Aidil AZHAR                         (IPB University, Indonesia) 

Barahima ABBAS                 (Universitas Papua, Indonesia) 

Saki EHARA                          (Japan Asia Consultants, Indonesia)

Margaret Chan Kit YOK      (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia) 

Rowena P. VARELA              (Caraga State University, Philippines)

Suzettee BINONGO-LINA  (Visayas State University, Philippines) 

Marlisa Ayu TRISIA             (Girona University, Spain)

Ornprapa THEPSILVISUT  (Thammasat University, Thailand)

Preuk CHUTIMANUKUL    (Thammasat University, Thailand)

Hiroyuki KONUMA              (Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia (GIAPSA) Asia Office (Bangkok, Thailand))

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Registration                   9:00 – 10:00


Opening Remark          10:00 – 10:05  (Room 1 / Online)

Hiroshi Ehara                 (Chair of the 14th International Sago Symposium)

Guest Speech                 10:05 – 10:15  (Room 1 / Online)

Representatives from Advisory Committee

Keynote Speeches         10:15 – 11:15   (Room 1 / Online)

Hiroshi Ehara                  (Nagoya University, Japan)

Hengky Novarianto         (Indonesia National Agency for Research and Innovation, Indonesia)

Plenary Session             11:15 – 12:15   (Room 1 / Online)

Margaret Chan Kit YOK (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)

Takashi MISHIMA           (Mie University, Japan)

Keith GALGA                    (FAO PNG, Papua New Guinea)



Lunch Break                  12:15 – 13:00

(Business Meeting        12:20 – 12:50)

Oral Session                  

Session 1                        13:00 – 14:30  (Room 1 / Online)

Session 2                        13:00 – 14:30  (Room 2 / Online)

Session 3                        13:00 – 14:15   (Room 3 / Online)

Coffee Break

Poster Session 1            14:30 – 15:15 (Room 2)

Poster Session 2           14:30 – 15:15 (Room 3)

Oral Session                  

Session 4                        15:15 – 16:30  (Room 1 / Online)

Session 5                        15:30 – 16:45  (Room 2 / Online)

Session 6                        15:30 – 16:30 (Room 3 / Online) [AAACU Session]

                                                               The Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities (AAACU)

                                                                is a network of agricultural colleges and universities in Asia, established

                                                                in 1972 with the main mission of improving human welfare through

                                                                agriculture, education, research, and extension. It will co-organize a session

                                                                in SAGO 2023 with invited speakers coming from AAACU member institutions.


Closing Ceremony      16:45 – 17:00 (Room 1)  

Reception Party          17:00 – 18:30 (Reception Room)  



Official language of this symposium is ENGLISH.


The 14th International Sago symposium is now accepting abstract and manuscript submissions in English. Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstract and full paper. Technical papers on aspects related to (but not limited to) the scope of the symposium are invited for oral presentation. Manuscript must be written in English, type on A4 paper, the dimensions of 25mm margins top/bottom and left/right, line spacing of 1.5, full justification. 



One page A4 paper. Abstract should contain author’s name(s), addresses and an outline of the problem examined, the methods used in study, a statement of the result conclusions [format can be downloaded from SAGO2023 web site (].

Dead line: March 31, 2023.


Full Paper

  1. Paper must not have been published anywhere and has order as follow:

・Title of paper

・Authors name(s), institution/company name, and addresses

・Abstract (max. 250 words)

・Introduction (research background and objective)

・Experimental Design (if applicable)

・Result and Discussion



2. Maximum pages not more than 6 pages with 1 line spacing including the picture, figures, tables which are no more than 25% of the content (the paper number will be informed to the author by the committee after reviewing process of abstract).

3. The software file of the paper must be compatible with MS Office 2019.



Volunteer speakers

Application with the fee below

・Full Registration           JPY 10,000 (JPY 15,000 on site)

・Student Registration    JPY   5,000 (JPY  9,000 on site)


On site audience

Application with the fee below

・Full Registration           JPY 15,000

・Student Registration    JPY  9,000


Online audience

We would like persons who have interest in online participation as audience to check "Online" and "Audience" in the registration form and send it to the Steering Committee ( by email.


How to Register

Fill in the registration and sent it to by email.

The number of participants at Gakushikaikan is limited. Participants from overseas are basically requested to participate online.

Deadline: April 30, 2023 (onsite participants), June 30, 2023 (online participants).


Important Notes

Accommodation expenses not included in the registration fee.


Payment Method

Only Japanese yen is accepted.

(WISE service will be convenient for you to transfer the registration fee from your country's currency to our account in Japanese Yen: account detail will be informed by email)




3-28 Kandanishiki-cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8459

(Onsite with local participants / online with participants from overseas)



Abstract submission: March 31, 2023 【Closed】

Deadline for onsite registration: April 30, 2023 => Extended by May 31, 2023

Deadline for online registration: May 31, 2023 => Extended by June 30, 2023


Recently, the number of tourists in Tokyo has increased, making it difficult to get hotel reservations. If you plant to attend the symposium at the venue, please secure your accommodation as soon as possible. The steering committee does not introduce hotels in particular, so please make your own arrangements using reservation sites or others. 

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